Day 237 Day 4 - Gold

First of all thanks to all the Birthday Wishes for KG he was very touched and says thanks to all.
An interesting morning I sold Apple Watches on Music Magpie and though I had removed the icloud accounts oh no!  Mine was easy to sort out not so KG's - I had set up the icloud account  as part of my account only trouble was I didn't remember the pass word.  Managed to lock myself out of both accounts - Apple support was brilliant and when it still wouldn't let me in he arranged for a call this afternoon.  But using my phone and the computer I managed to unlock the accounts so cancelled the call.  That was most of te morning gone.   Pasties made for lunch and then this afternoon finding pictures to make a free photo book.  Called it 2020 but mostly garden pictures.
My blip today because the light is going and it is misty is the text that I did a tutorial on yesterday  just ordinary text of the word gold with lots of layers added.
It has been. a dreary day  and chilly

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