The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Beside the seaside

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside,
I do like to be beside the sea

What a wonderful day! Wall to wall sunshine and mild too. What's more, there is now time to see the sunrise and the sunset with a full day's work in between.

I'm guessing the man is filling his bucket with water rather than mud (there sure isn't much sand), perhaps to wash his fishing gear. He was making repeated forays into the water to get a bucketful.

I worked at home while topping and tailing my day with walks over the Knott with Gus. After this was taken, the haze in the air picked up the sunset colours and the whole sky flushed pink. I didn't quite get to the top of the Knott in time to see the salmon waters of the Kent estuary.

On a brief outing at lunchtime, I felt and heard rushing wings as a buzzard buzzed my head. We are seeing more roe deer with each walk, the peak count is now five on the shilloe slopes.

A very good day.

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