
By Jaxter46

Lady Swan

A gorgeous day here today, I managed to get over to Greenfield Valley with Ellis in the buggy and Barney and Meg, it's a challenge to do this as there is a busy road between my house and the Valley. I managed it anyway and we went to feed the ducks and swans.

There was more bread getting stuffed in Ellis's mouth than going in the pond. As we were feeding one of the swans I heard the beating of wings and saw the cob flying from her nest towards me. I scrammbled with the camera and tried to take the shot, the autofocus was crap and I was getting in a right mess, Eventually it locked on and this is the result

I've cropped and sharpened it a bit but thats al . One day I'll get a proper crystal clear shot of these in flight but meanwhile I'll have fun trying.

Not going to have time to do much commenting today as I've got to prepare my part of the meal for tonight, Jen and Chris are coming over it should be a great night and I'm really looking forward to it

Ellis is asleep at the mo so I'm able to post

Have a fantastic friday and weekend to everyone

Thinking too of my friend Roy who's dad died this morning, so sorry to hear the news m8 x x

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