Oh dear!!!

This morning we met Ann's friend, Kay, at Lauriston Castle. Kay was walking 'Bluebell the Staffie' so Ann thought it might be nice if we had a walk round the grounds together.

It was very muddy and Kay slipped and fell over. Ha, ha! Ann just stood and laughed. And then she took a photo. And then she helped Kay up forgetting about the 2m rule?! But at least Kay managed to keep hold of 'Bluebell the Staffie'. Lol!

This afternoon we met another of Ann's friends, and went for a coffee. Does anybody else in 'Tier 3 Scotland', think that it is absolutely ridiculous that one can go into a coffee shop with a friend, sit at a small table facing each other, have waiting staff deliver the coffee to the table and have other people pass by right next to one............................ And yet we're not allowed to have even one friend in our house (unless it's our support bubble). It's mad! Ann's friend is elderly. And by elderly we mean late 70's/possibly early 80's nobody knows. This afternoon she had to get a bus to the coffee shop and a bus back home. Surely she would have been a lot safer if me & Ann had just walked to her house and sat at opposite ends of her living room???? We just don't understand the reasoning behind these ludicrous rules?? And it doesn't look like anything is going to change any time soon, even though the number of COVID cases are reducing in Edinburgh.


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