
By rb231

Two worlds collide

Running is something new in my life that I started doing seven weeks ago. Blipping is also something new in my life; something I've been doing now for 106 days. I've been following a running programme called C25K which I can heartily recommend to anyone thinking about starting running. This week I've got to the stage where I'm running uninterrupted for 25 minutes. I was really looking forward to my run today. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. I picked up my camera on the way out thinking "something good's got to come out of this".

I interrupted the podcast I was running to and lost my 'instruction' so I flipped my phone onto shuffle. It was so much better running to music I actually enjoy. Seven weeks ago I didn't really believe I could make it this far but I have done and I was feeling great.

So, what happens when the two worlds of running and blipping collide? Well, I managed to take this photo just before dropping my camera. Separately they are great activities but I definitely would not recommend simultaneous running and blipping.

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