Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Cushion covers

After an exercise session, W gave me a hand to cut up the foam for the cushions, and I have made a start on the covers.  I decided that, although it's extra work, they will look much better as box covers.  There's enough of the apron material for the fronts and sides of all the cushions.  The backs will be made from a retired curtain.

My first attempt to fasten the front to the sides had to be unpicked - the cover was too large, and the corners were a mess.  The second effort was much better and I'm reasonably happy with the result.  I just hope we have some decent weather next summer so we can use the cushions to sit out on dad's bench.  I've ordered some hook and loop fastening for the backs - so until that arrives, I'll probably press on with more fronts tomorrow.

Meanwhile, W and L (who comes once a week to help with gardening tasks) chopped up all the cuttings from the tree, some of which has been "mown" to chop it into very small pieces and then been added to the compost, the rest is in yet another bag awaiting a trip to the tip - are they open during lockdown?  They also mowed and raked part of the meadow.  As we were standing by the pond in the fading light, admiring all the work, we were able to watch several bats flitting around.

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