Geese in the mist

Admin in the morning and a rather frustrating hour trying to do an online form that required a photo of my passport. Their system didn't give a good result so had to reort to traditional camera photo and upload.
DId some more online Christmas shopping though wondering when anyone will get their presents as we don't know if we'll be able to travel and they're going to be awkward to post.
After lunch had a run in the mist/fog on muddy trails and managed to disturb to geese in the pic, if I could have got the camera out a few secs earlier if would have been a better pic. Then I saw a fox in the next field.
It was a rather plodding run as I was a bit weary after last night's.
There's an extra of the autumn beech I ran through on a rare less muddy bit.  I've added it as the forecast suggests the leaves won't be there much longer.

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