The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Mottram church (can't think of a good title)

Early start with Al having to get the Stockport to London train before 7am for a meeting. With my personal time management thing going on this year, I decided to do one less hour's work today as I'd done an extra hour last week. It was a lovely day again, with a good part of the afternoon to myself. I think I could have chosen my activity more wisely...

Although I wasn't really in a shopping mode, I dragged myself off to Crown Point at Denton but came back with very little, probably because I wasn't too bothered about being there in the first place, and I should have gone somewhere pretty and photogenic. There was a guitarist busker playing the James tune O sit down, so I did and had a Costa coffee with a Sicilian lemon muffin, all the while wondering if I dare ask if I could take his photo... I didn't.

It was late afternoon when I left, then wondered what I could do for a Blip - my photography head wasn't quite with me today - but I had the Fuji in my bag so called at Mottram on the way home. I'd taken some snowy sunset shots from there a couple of years ago so knew where I wanted to take an image from.

The sun was still a bit high and strong really so had to change position to try to hide it behind the church. I took a few from various points, before my hands fell off with the cold. On the way back I saw a couple of horses larking about in a field and had the great idea to silhouette them against the setting sun, surely a guaranteed blip?

Well I've trawled my images tonight and there's not many I actually like, I think the sun was a touch too strong and I needed to be there about half an hour later. I've tweaked and discarded several church/horse images and decided that even though it's been very Topazed, it's the one I like most.

It's late again... will catch up tomorrow

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