Songs & Sundowners

During lock down when we thought we'd be back to normal by now Ann had two highlights in her week. One of her highlights was a Wednesday morning when she'd go and do a supermarket shop for her friends elderly mother. The other was a Thursday evening when her friend, Derek, did a live 'Songs & Sundowners' show on FB from his shed studio in the garden.

In lock down, Ann would sit on the balcony with a glass of wine in hand and me by her feet and she could see Derek on the TV indoors (because she is very techy and was able to 'google chrome cast' him from her ipad).

Derek stopped his 'Songs & Sundowners Sessions' when we all thought life was getting back to normal. How wrong we all were. Life is anything but normal!! England is back in lock down and Edinburgh is in Tier 3. Basically none of us can see our friends, so Derek is 'helping the nation' and will be performing from his shed studio for the next few weeks.

Ann's having an 'Aperol Spritz' and trying to pretend it's summer. ….................Unfortunately it's far too cold to sit on the balcony. I came back from my afternoon walk at 3.45pm this afternoon and we immediately had to put all the lights/heating on and close the curtains.

…...............But hey ho, at least we have something to look forward to for the next few Thursday nights.

Thanks Derek. It's been fab. Looking forward to next week already. xxxx


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