It's my birthday

Today I am 2 years old. Today is my birthday. Yay!

To be honest, no one really knows when my birthday is, but because Ann adopted me on the 11th February 2019 and the vet thought I was approximately 3 months old, Ann decided that I would always celebrate my birthday on the 11th November.

Last year I had a party. Unfortunately this year, a nasty thing called COVID stopped me from having a party, so Ann said we'd just have to enjoy the day together.

…..........................I've had ever such a nice day.

First thing this morning I had a little walk around the block and then I came home, had breakfast and then opened my presents. Ann had bought me a nice new smart green collar & lead (which I was allowed to wear today), a blue squeaky ball for indoor play and a rawhide chewy bone thing. Aren't I a lucky girl?

At about 9.30am Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm really sorry that you can't have a party but instead we will go for a big long walk.' That made me very happy because I love big long walks.

We went to the Hermitage and Blackford Hill and walked for about 2 hours. I was off my lead for about one and a half hours and I just ran and ran and ran. I absolutely love the Hermitage and Blackford Hill. The only problem with today's walk was............................. there were no squirrels to chase. Boohooo. I didn't see one single squirrel. Sometimes in the Hermitage there can be as many as six squirrels that need chasing at the same time so where do you think the squirrels were? It's not like they could be hibernating because the temperature was about 13c so that's nowhere near cold enough for them to go into hibernation.

Oh well, ho hum, I had the bestest walk ever. And do you know what?.......................... I think I might even prefer going on a big, long walk instead of having a party?!!!

This afternoon Ann went to her fitness club for a swim and I had 'home alone' snooze time and then when she came home she took me for another little half hour walk, but it was raining and Ann hates walking in the rain. I'm back in my bed snoozing again.

However, soon it will be my dinner time. Ann hasn't made me a birthday cake this year because I have no one to share it with, and apparently if I eat a whole birthday cake myself, I will end up a very podgy little collie pup. Instead, as a birthday treat, I'm going to have some little bits of ham and some grated cheese put on top of my dry food this evening. That sounds very yummy to me.

….....................I've had a lovely birthday today.

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