My tiger

I am super proud of all my wildlings but this chap is doing so well. He has been so anxious about going to school this week as there have been many changes. And he's like a swan on the water. He looks all calm on the surface but is paddling like mad below.
School are now getting the children to do homework and for Xander this is a major deal. He sees it as that school work should be done inside school and not at home.) Unless it's technology based work and he would spend hours on it). It's another thing that adds to his anxiety. But he was awesome and completed it this morning. I messaged his teacher and suggested she tell him it's a job that he needs to do for her. With Xander it's all about the wording of things. And he enjoys doing jobs for the teachers. He is so kind .
This morning it was children in need dress up for school and he had his face painted by half 7. Harp ended up being a tiger too and spent the whole day with it on her face.
He came home all excited as he had won a couple of things at school.

It's been a very productive day here . I swept and steamed the kitchen, bathroom and hall floor. Organised a cupboard, sorted out laundry, hoovered upstairs, sorted things for the attic, tidied the Wildlings rooms, did some letter recognition with Harp. She can now do the whole alphabet, fed the jedi over and over and had a play outside. Late afternoon I decided to not do anymore housework and worked on the little dog. I need to tweak it a little but not much.

I had a great catch up with one of my older neighbours. She was out mowing her lawn while I was out with the two youngest wildlings. She knows that if she ever needs help with anything then just to call at our door .

Harp also had water play so it's been a much better day. X

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