floating device

I believe this is a little decoration intended to float in a bowl with a wind-up fish but it was so long ago that I can't remember with surety. I believe the wind-up toy broke and I need tree decorations for my first Christmas away from home - and I've had it ever since. 

The presentation went fabulously. There was a lot of praise for some of my ideas, particularly the ones that helped build local capacity. Most important, the client seemed to really like how it met ALL THEIR NEEDS. Electricity was coming out my fingers, I was bouncing off the walls, I was so excited about how well it went. I have no idea what the next presentation said other than they kept using my name and my name kept being brought up for the rest of the session.

This doesn't mean my organization wins of course, there are more steps and lots of competition, but it was a very good morning. 

Thank you for your well wishes. 

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