Dinner with a view...

"The failure of one can lead to the failure of many"

 I work with 7 other guys who work as hard as I. Things get missed sometimes as we are just mere mortals but when it comes to the fundamentals - like a tire off the bead, a broken ABS system or a hole in the wall - those can't be missed. 

When I picked up the loaded trailer the ABS light wasn't working. Someone had cut the wires to it which also means there was probably an issue with the system. The wire gets cut now and then to slide by a weigh station to get home but the trailer is supposed to be put out of service to get repaired.

A shop was call and few hundred dollars later, the mechanic said he fixed it. 10 miles down the road, the system failed again and that mechanic came back a second time. It was determined to be unfixable at a reasonable cost on the side of the road so I turned around, headed back to the yard, got the trailer reloaded into another trailer and put my foot into it all the way to the customers. Both deliveries were late - inconveniencing them both along with causing me to run out of hours to work. So I parked it for the night where I can at least have a partial river view, a good supper and get a great nights rest.

Up early to grab another trailer and roll...

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