
By DramaQueen

One small step for Jan.....

...a giant leap towards home.

Last night broke me. I have never been anywhere as noisy. As a result, I had no sleep at all.
The lady with dementia was on top form; no wonder when she’d had a solid 8 hours daytime sleep!
There had been a delivery, so all the boxes in the corridor were thrown around, doors slammed, drawers slammed, cleaners shouting to each other and generally clattering about.
Once I started crying, I couldn’t stop. I thought better to let it all out.

When physio turned up, as shattered as I was, I was determined to get moving. The sooner I’m mobile, the sooner I’m allowed home.
It wasn’t easy, but I managed to walk the length of the ward. I felt so knackered accomplished. I don’t think I’ve ever been so determined to do anything before.

The doctor has said he will give me something to help me sleep tonight, so hopefully I’ll feel even more confident for tomorrow’s session :-)

DQ x

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