Racing hard

On Wellington Harbour


I posted this in a great rush before heading out to a meal with others from the meeting today (and tomorrow). Our meeting today had ended quite late so the evening run and shower meant little time for blipping before eating. But I wanted to do that. Am now back and writing some additional words.

In the inner harbour were about six to eight of these dragon boats, the crews training for regional championships, heading towards nationals and then international competition. At least I think so. They may be students, as has been queried by kendall. If so, I'm not sure of at what level; secondary or tertiary.

The waterfront was a hive of activity. People walking, running or cycling home after work. The Tuesday afternoon running races for people of various abilities. Lots of young people "hanging out". Scullers and canoeists training/enjoying themselves. These seriously training dragon boat crews [this was the end of a short sharp race; the front crew had been well beaten at the half way point before storming back to run out of puff about here, some 50 m short of the "finish"].

Also, there were brave (or foolhardy) young people jumping from heights into the water. The last included one young woman who tried (I think) to force herself to jump quickly by taking off her bikini top, and then became frozen at the top of the stairs and unable to jump. She was assisted by very good natured spectators with count downs, and still balked. Then dashed down the steps to a lower level and made her jump.

Wellington's waterfront belongs to the people.

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