Coastal Path

Excited to be at the end of D's isolation we planned an early walk. Wind direction suggested north coast to be best option so off we went along the coastal path, but a slight mix up about which bay is where led to a two hour walk instead of a 45 minute one - oops. My phone thought it was in France (which we could see) and skipped forward an hour, then daughter J was trying to reach me but routing through UK, Jersey AND France was too much for phone so had to wait until we dropped into bay. The cafe was shut, the car was two hours walk away and the next bus due in two hours. We had to 'phone a friend' when we could eventually get reception! In the meantime I was somewhat AWOL from work!

Daughter update: J has left student house after some issues which I doubt would have been as bad without Covid pressures. She is on route to London to stay with her sister. 

I am soooooooo fried. Goodnight people, happy Friday!

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