My corner of paradise

By Arete

Otago University Clock Tower

Cara and I had a lovely, relaxing anniversary today. We started by having a lie in and missing half the day (bliss) before Cara headed off to get her hair done. I was free to wander around a bookshop picking out the texts for next semesters papers. I love being able to buy books guilt free :) That having been said I'm going to try and get a couple of minor texts from the library to save funds. Cant have it all ;)
Anyway, after getting my pressies, I mean text books, I wandered round the varsity. Its very picturesque, the oldest university in New Zealand (so not very old) dating to I think 1868. For some reason however it is very hard to capture a good photo that gives the place its due. Not really happy with this effort but practice makes perfect...

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