Life In Wales

By KarenC

Friday the 13th

Lockdown 2, Day 9

As superstitions have it, Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, and although my dad passed away on a Friday 13th I really don't think there's anything in it. The date doesn't stop me doing anything, we've even flown on Friday 13th, and true to form today has been a lovely day.

I popped back to Lidl this morning to buy some more Malbec wine which I picked up yesterday.  It was on offer at £3.99 a bottle and after trying a glass last night, it's as good as the brand that I normally buy for twice the price.  I also wanted to get some of their perfume that I was told was very similar to Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle for a fraction of the price, and I can say that the smell is a very good match!  I don't think the scent will last for as long, but for the price it'll be good to use for work and save the proper stuff for 'best'.

When I got home I made a pumpkin soup for tomorrow's lunch, and then went for a walk with Alan on his lunch break.  On the way back, Alan left me at the bus stop as I was heading into Brighton to meet Louise. We'd planned to have a photography walk around the quiet streets followed by sunset and murmuration at the beach.  

We met near the station and walked around North Laine capturing the street art and Brighton people.  it wasn't as quiet at Lockdown 1 and there were still quite a lot of people around but it certainly wasn't busy..  We headed down to the beach about half an hour before sunset and as we passed the Royal pavilion, I liked how it's spires were silhouetted against the sky.   I was feeling quite hungry, and we passed a Belgian Friterie, so decided to get some chips to take down to the beach, and as we were walking near the Palace Pier, a Seagull dive bombed straight into my cone of chips, took one and flew off.  It all happened so quickly and as we walked there were loads of them circling us overhead, so we found a covered shelter on the beach where we could eat without being attacked!

The starlings performed beautifully for us, their numbers are starting to increase now and it's always magical to watch.  They'd roosted by 4.30pm and I caught the bus home which was nice and quiet, and Alan came to pick me up from the bus stop.  We had left over chilli for dinner and then it was Friday night date night in the Palace.

Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and I'll try to catch up with you over the next couple of days.

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