
By LeeAnne


Last minute decision to leave the car and take the bus up to Bruntsfield to meet MrSmith for a coffee and then walk home via some Christmas errands. Lovely to catch up in a social setting. Out out! Well not quite but as close as we appear to be getting to it.

I find it really odd not to be able to greet friends and family in the usual way or say goodbye with a hug. Still nice to have a face to face blether.

I walked home through town (via Starbucks to miss the brief shower) and picked up the bits and pieces I was after. Princes Street Gardens are looking lovely. It makes a pretty nice change not to see the construction of the usual Christmas markets. Apparently they’re being diverted to the Royal Mile and Castle Street. I don’t know why they didn’t do that in the first place. Not only does it save the gardens but it encourages people to go further afield and perhaps some of the local shops will benefit. If only the Council had a clue. [insert rolling eyes here]

When I got home I got started on one of my Christmas craft projects. It’s one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time but already I’m covered in glue and only halfway through the first of three. [insert rolling eyes at self here]

Given I’ve just dipped the brush in my coffee cup, I think it’s time to call it a day.

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