"The Law is a Ass."©

© Chas. Dickens.
The usual Clicky visit - en route home from checking up on "The mate" checking up on me too.
To comply with the Laid Down S. O. P. by HM Govt.  we're not allowed to "Socialise" in the garden - SO - She stood on the pavement and I stood a bit nearer than the Yew tree.
The result of this odd manoeuvre was that we were closer than we would have been if she'd stood in the garden and I'd sat on the step.

I blame the IDIOCY of the huge mobs of "Let's have a party it'll not affect us." brigade who steadfastly refuse to "do as they're bid!".

Usual criterion applies - Likelihood of a repeat = low as I'll probably have forgotten the edict sufficiently that the shot will never cross my mind..

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