
Sunny and wet today. This morning the rain was lashing against the house but, later on, it was bright and sunny. Pepper and I took advantage and went out. Although I had great ideas for a more elaborate blip, I had other things to do so that didn't happen. However, it's always wise to have a blip in the 'bank', so a puddle reflection has come in handy.

I have a competition to judge on Friday and the club wants my initial selection early, so I have had a very pleasurable afternoon looking through some stunning images wondering how I can separate them out. I've also edited a few early images for the family I photographed on Thursday whose baby was stillborn. More important than an elaborate blip.

Zoom chat with older girls late afternoon and evening meal with son, so a good day.

Remember MonoMonday tomorrow, MM356, hosted by Pinkhairedlady with the theme of 'Openings' in the Landscape - gates, stiles, gaps, tunnels.....  Do join in,

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