Mono Monday - Opening Ceremony

A Minimalist Mono Monday today, and a Mystery...

What was the opening ceremony opening? Baked Beans, perhaps... Tomato Soup? Maybe a healthy Mixed Bean Salad... Alas, the label is gone and the contents forever remain ambiguously enticing.

No, we did get a walk in before the rain, just in case you were expecting more industrial architecture. We bumped into (not literally) so many people this morning on our circuit of the village I quite forgot to look for tunnels or manholes or practically perfect perforations...

Something that's not opening properly today is Luminar 4... Remarkably, despite everyone else managing it, Skylum didn't get a Big Sur update out before release, and the program is happily crashing on export.

Luckily, Serif are more on the ball. It rather looks like I'll be relying on Affinity Photo in future, and might even read the Workbook that's been sat on the side of my desk gathering dust....

I feel there's some software in danger of being canned...

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