Tuesday's painting...

...Today's digital painting in Procreate...
I accidentally left the central heating on last night, and this place is too hot and stuffy...
I could walk barefoot in snow to cool down...so this is my next best option...

Snow scene...

Now, here is an answer to the burning question many of you have had over the years.

Competition postcards...what happens to them when you sent the postcards in with an answer or answers to your favourite magazine, or the newspaper, or competitions on the back of cereal packets? Remember the days when you did this?

You thought they would all be binned didn't you?

Well I am here to give you the answer to that burning question.

I thought you just bought blank postcards and wrote the answer on the back. That was what my mother did, and as a child I would run to the postbox to catch the last post for her competition entries. She did them every week. 

Well I learnt last year from my art group, that they all bought picture postcards to send in their competition entries. And they were still doing this in 2019 for their competition entries.

Well, I made a mistake when I bid for two lots of postcards. I only bid for postally unused postcards, so I can use them for Postcrossing. These two bids had half of the postcards postally unused. The other half had messages on and were sent through the post. Remember the days when you sent a postcard or letter to arrange to meet someone, no mobile phones in those days?

I spent yesterday reading though about a hundred of these. Interesting reading. Very.

But those people who had used picture postcards for their competition entries, these I was reading were in the 1990's, their postcards are around now! Were they sold by the competition people to whoever? So your data was passed on then!

From...their name and address, to Women Crime Writers Radio Times...Answer POIROT. And the picture postcard was of Hastings Pier.

Another was...their name and address...ref 'VM' Magazine...to VM/Best Western...presumably for a freebie. And the picture postcard was of Brighton.

Another was...their name and address printed on with an inked stamp...Answer Decoupage, Hoover, La Cafetière...to It's A Gift Perfect Home (March Issue). And the picture postcard was of a Walter Crane children's illustration.

These were all 1990's.

So now you have the answer to your burning question...'What happened to my picture postcard competition entry after the competition was over?' Answer - 'It is still hovering around somewhere over 30 years later...'

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