Clematis 'Josephine'

The morning was spent at Molly's house, sorting out more belongings, and having the first of three valuations by local estate agents, to enable the solicitors to proceed with seeking probate. 

Her garden is very sheltered  and this wonderful Clematis 'Josephine' has a fresh flush of buds. At least one has made it to a flower - hopefully some of the others will also survive as long as we don't have a spell of very cold weather. Fortunately it's growing in a pot (though it is a very large pot) so hopefully we'll be able to bring it back to our garden. 

There was some excitement in the evening when Alex managed to drop a knife that he was sharpening onto his foot. It sliced straight into a toe, just about reaching the bone. Although there was lots of blood, the cut was quite clean and he could still move the joint okay, so I joined it up with four steristrips and put a dressing on it. Hopefully, in future he'll remember to wear shoes when he's sharpening knives!

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