The gym

I spent my day in much the same way as yesterday, quarantined upstairs playing ukulele, watching TV, practising DJ and Reading, doing Pilates et cetera, caught up with my friend Rachael Gilchrist in Australia on the phone and had a long chat with mild friend pianist Clifford Slapper as well.

While I was lounging about Max and Zebedee took a large piece of furniture apartment upstairs and now the gym is looking rather swish! this room was a garage when we bought the house, we had it made into a proper room and it started out life as my recording studio, for a long time it was a storeroom full of bits and bobs and then Gulliver started practising guitar in there and then it actually became his bedroom with his studio in it which was really good and now it is the gym and I have to say it is great not having the gym in the living room anymore and Zebedee having somewhere To train where he doesn’t disturb anyone, good for Max as well.

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