Knit and natter

Clearly, I have been taking the totally wrong attitude to lockdown and should be carrying on with my normal inside life, but outside. These folk made me smile today, during my afternoon walk along the beach. Socially distanced, the knit and natter group did just that while the chaps, presumably spouses, talked about what ever men talk about when sitting together on a beach in mid November ....

The rest of my day was spent chatting with neighbours and starting to open the boxes delivered yesterday. Items unpacked include my Wellington boots, some candle holders and about forty coat hangers. Seriously?

Video call for an hour and a half with mbfiatw Jean in Kent rounded off my day so now it's just time for some knitting with "How I met your mother" on Netflix in my lounge, not on the beach. 

Weather watch: overcast and noticeably cooler, but still warm enough to wear shorts,  and paddle.

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