Last of its kind

Oh it been a difficult day with lots of questions from me to the piweresthat be.
I started with C and asked her lots of questions 50% of which she knew the answers, or thought she did. Several of the same questions to her carer who disagreed with many of her answers.
The carer also mentioned that C had had a fall today and they'd found her about 2pm. They'd had a video call with a local GP who pronounced her 'fit' ie nothing of concern. Hers ob s were good so I'm not worried about her. She seemed fine but I knew there was something...
Again spoke to social worker who agreed a time for both N and I to talk with her on Monday.

Had a pizza for dinner and almost a bottle of wine which was naughty but nice and now it's 2030 and I need to clear dinner and go to bed.

Thanks for all your advice
I do a ppreciate it. Tomorrow I'm gonna ring the stroke association to check on a few things.
Thank s for being here.. I don't know whether I should be now..



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