The story so far...


The letter gate scandal

Cam has a wicked temper and tantrums are becoming the new in thing with our boy.
He was an angel all day when we went to our bumps and babies cafe, out for lunch with cj and his mummy and the when we went for a lovely long walk with Auden, Ben and Charlotte and their mummies.
However when we got home the trouble started. Whilst playing with his postbox, whenever mummy tried to take the letter to post it he would scream and stamp his feet. It could have been taken as fear he wouldn't get the letter back if he was used to the postbox game and knows how to retrieve the letter very quickly.
Mummy is stuck on how to deal with these new horrific tantrums, especially when he starts banging his head on the floor. She has been advised to just hug him, ignore him or distract him. At the moment we are going for ignorance, time will tell if it makes a difference!

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