The story so far...


The chat and the chair

Every night just before cam and Ollie go to sleep, mummy has a little chat with them about the day. Whether they have been good, what they did well or what they can do better, what we are doing tomorrow and that I love them. Last night when mummy and cam had their chat she told him he was breaking her with his bad behaviour and to please try hard to be good and control himself.
Maybe it was coincidence or maybe he listened but today he was the perfect little boy. He was happy and loving and managed to walk all the way to town, around the shops (with a pit stop for coffee and a cookie) and then all the way home. He didn't use the pram once and didn't moan or misbehave at all!
Ollie was in a fab mood too as mummy dug out the bumbo for him which he absolutely loves and spent most of the afternoon in his new throne chair.
Thank goodness for that inbuilt defence mechanism children have for when they have pushed you to the limit they then do something that makes you realise how amazing they are and how lucky we are. A much happier mummy today!

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