
Got our dog walk in in the dry, it was cold though. Got my little compact camera out to just get 'one in the bag'  and J said "I thought we were going for a walk?" So this is my one and only picture taken today. 

When I woke up the sunrise was looking good, beautiful pink sky. I thought I should get out with my camera - but didn't! The warm bed was too inviting. For such a beautiful start, it's been a miserable wet day.

Spent the afternoon watching Lightroom training videos. Hopefully one or maybe two pointers will stick in my tiny brain!!

Hayley said there were 210 pupils in her school today - out of 1,400!  We're of the opinion that they need to close the school down, have a short circuit break and give it a deep clean.  The 'Powers that be' don't appear to agree with our common-sense approach! 

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