Crocodile Snoozing in the Grasses?

Or have I completely lost the plot? 

So, today we viewed the house I've been after for some time ........
"Houston we have a problem"... It's in really, really bad repair,  very out of date, I have no problem with this as we are going to gut the place, get it how we want. I LOVE it, I SEE the potential, the finished article, 'J' on the other hand sees the work that needs doing, the costing, the living in a mess, etc etc. ( I bet he doesn't see a Crocodile snoozing!) But, it's good because there will be a certain price we will only go up to, it needs a lot spending on it, so let's see what the others who have viewed it think. Offers have to be in by Monday lunchtime.

I'm adding here, I've just shown J my blip and what I see. His reply is unprintable! Suffice to say, he can't see what I see!

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