The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Passion flower in November

I went to town to meet a friend in the shopping mall. We had not seen each other for weeks. Grabbed our takeaway drinks, then found that the communal chairs and tables had been taken away. Lockdown...

We found some steps to sit on, but we soon moved by an official. Started to feel like a pair of tramps. Went outside to find a bench but it was soaking wet, on account of of the rain. Huddled in a doorway of the closed Oxfam shop, got fed up, went back inside to a big shop that's allowed to be open. Met another friend in there and we all had a chat, until I realised I need to go to work. Covered lunch for an hour and fifteen in nursery. (A colleague is self isolating. Wonder for how long...)

Got some books from the bookshop, having pre-ordered them. Walked home in the rain and spotted this passion flower on the way, on Bowbridge Lane. Best thing I'd seen all day! Definitely. The fruits were good back in the summer, when I stole one.

Once home, I unpacked a giant order of cards and sorted it into parcels for delivery and mailing tomorrow. Steve cooked a delicious fish chowder. Spoke to my mother. Her husband is still largely uncommunicative when she visits him in hospital, which depresses her, but she is going to try and visit at a different time of day in case that makes a difference. (He had a massive stroke a few weeks ago).

Scotland went into a different tier system today. The youngsters of my family will now be in tier 4, very strict. My younger sisters are in tier 2 and our mother in tier 1, so my sisters probably aren't allowed to visit our mother, not that this will stop our mother if she is minded to see them. In England we are still all in lockdown 2.0, and of course I still have a sister and a brother in NZ, and another brother in Greece. I'm beginning to miss them all again. Apart from one sister and niece, I have not seen any of them for more than a year.

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