new park

I went to Catoctin Mountain park today. It is closer than the other parks I've gone to. I drove past multiple parking lots filled with cars and many lining the curvy road. I got to the visitor's center and saw lots of traffic and two rangers directing it. I was directed to a parking lot that had a sign that said it was full but right at the front were two spaces with a sign, "15 minutes or ELECTRIC VEHICLES!" Not only did I get a spot, I got charging! 

The hill was covered with large grey rocks with moss and I thought, "this wouldn't be a soft surface to fall on." I looked at the thick layer of loose leaves over all the rocks, including the path, and thought, "it would be very easy to fall here." Naturally, I fell. I have no idea how I fell slowly but I did, I caught myself on my bent arm, without actually hurting myself, and watching as my feet kept sliding. 

Easily 90% of the people on the trail wore masks and everyone carefully gave each other space. 

Samuel loved that some of the people pet him. At one point he did his thing where he stands in place for no good reason and does nothing. I got out of the way and apologized to the two women also crossing the bridge and said I didn't know why he was choosing to stand there. One of the women passed, looked at him, and said I had raised a gentleman. 

Really the only downside is that my camera battery compartment opened and I lost my camera battery. Rats. 

I spoke with a friend this evening about her job in North Carolina. On Monday the CEO, who usually works from home, came in to yell at everyone to wear masks. By Wednesday he was writing people up for not wearing masks. By Friday he was firing people for not wearing masks.

Is this a reasonably accurate portrayal of Margaret Thatcher? Stephen Colbert praised Gillian Anderson and asked if she was generally good at impressions and she assured him that no, she was not.  

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