
6°  -  22 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  28 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Intervals. Needed some safety pins which I knew were in a jar in the Shed.  The jar is now in my Garden Storage Box which is five steps away from my kitchen door  -  the Shed is one hundred steps!!  When I emptied the jar to find the safety pins I came across these two badges  -  one from my pacifist days as a Peace Pledge Union member, and the other from my Amsterdam weekend days!  What memories!  I remember in the sixties doing some videos for the PPU as part of my teacher training project.  In those days it was tape, and meant an almost suitcase size camera carried over the shoulder  -  now I could get just as good results using a tiny smartphone camera!!  How the world has changed!  The PPU is still the same though.

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