
By BecksC

Christmas decorating, chaos and broken machines

Today we put our tree up. Now I know it's far too early, but lockdown is rubbish, and I need something to cheer me up. The kids were very keen at first, but lost interest as the day went on. My eldest decided to put his own tree up in his bedroom, and decorate it himself. He is very proud of it. But as he had done that, he didn't want to do the downstairs tree. My husband had to work, so it was mostly down to me to do. My youngest took over 2 hours to get to sleep again. I finished the 3rd book in the Enola Holmes series in one evening and crocheted a mini jumper. I really enjoy my crochet and reading. I find they help to calm me down. I do find wellbeing to be very important. You can't pour from an empty cup. I do forget this on occasion though, as I think most people do. Life is hard, as I kid, I never realised quite how hard it would be.

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