Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Raindrops keep falling on my head

It wasn't supposed to rain today but it did.  Jerry was doing some things in his shed (cleaning up...which is moving things around to a different location that he forgets that he moved things to!) so I went outside to tell him that I had lunch ready.  On the way back to the porch  I caught some movement out of the corner of my eye so I looked twice and there was this tiny guy with raindrops on his head.    I ran in the house to get the camera hoping he would not move and he did not.    But while I was trying to get close enough to get the raindrops I caught a movement to my left which was a bigger green color anole.     She did not have any raindrops so I let her be.    

These anoles were on the camellia bush which has about 12 buds.  Two are just starting to show a little pink color at the center so in  a week or so I might have some flowers.   This bush only had two flowers last year and I had a problem with bugs on the leaves this summer.      Keeping my figures crossed.

Thankful that I happened upon this critter as I did not have a blip in mind for today.   

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