Gitama's World

By Gitama

His Highness

I am convinced that the cat was royalty in his last life...(I am sure all you cat lovers out there will agree). He loves Christmas soon as the tree goes up he is under it with his own backdrop and lighting looking rather splendid...posing like a pro.
When he thinks we aren't looking he likes to have a little nibble on the decorations...needless to say the very important ones go up top.

We decided to put our tree up early this year......time is speeding so fast. We do so love the sparkly lights and getting out the treasures we have collected over the years..... we wanted more time to savour and enjoy them for a bit longer.......anyway its been such a crazy year with this and that and everything else....putting up the Christmas tree a few weeks early isn't that strange really in the grand scheme of things.

Days have been spent happy as clams making our own pressies (not all) and Christmas cards....I some respects buying all the bits and bobs for making stuff has turned out to be more expensive than just buying things from the shop already made up....hi ho.

“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
Robert A. Heinlein

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