Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Chestnut Bud

Chestnut bud flower essence is one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. It is for people who tend to keep repeating the same mistakes, because they haven't learnt from past experience. In a negative chestnut bud state there's a tendency to move on to the next thing without digesting what could have been learnt.

Chestnut bud brings understanding into why you may repeatedly attract unhealthy experiences or relationships. Once you learn what you need to from these dynamics you can move on to the next phase of your growth. It's helpful therefore for breaking old habits.

It's invaluable for children who don't pay attention or have problems learning. Find yourself reminding your child to remember schoolbag, jacket or lunch box on a daily basis? Chestnut bud will help them to pay attention and remember things. Also useful if they make recurring mistakes at school like mis-spelling the same word repeatedly or reading the same word wrongly over and over again.

I was so overwhelmed by the beauty of this bud that I cried. How amazing that trees have so much beauty when we get close enough and take enough time to notice.

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