Babysitting Again

Quite a brief spell but the wee scrap seems to be developing very quickly at the moment. All the wee things that are imperceptible on a day to day basis, the coordination and the awareness, add up over a few days. Look she can hold and chew celery! So very engaging, said the besotted Grandad. Takes me back to how my own kids amused my parents. Except my parents were then quite old, weren’t they? Hmmm. Doing the maths, I find that isn’t so at all. 
What else? The SK’s sister has fallen and broken her wrist - just as it’s beginning to look like a Christmas get together may be a runner. We may have to help prep those vegetables.
In the bigger world I see that Blackford has done that unwise thing of highlighting a photographer person* on Twitter assuming that they’ve broken the travel ban, and pretty much inviting a pile on, when in fact they’ve been in Scotland since before it started. Whoops. A bit eager and unpleasant from the Muirhoose Bunter, and he’s now deleted it. McStasi. Hibby. <Insert another bad word here> 
In better news, seems like Trump may just be grumpily throwing in the towel and Joe Biden’s path to the White House is being cleared. How long will Boris cling on?   

*not French or Australian, shall we say.

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