
By TonyG

Happy Day

Jamie's 18th Birthday, celebrated in our own unique style.   Presents and video chats featured on and off through the day.   One constant was Tilda whose beautiful hand made card and well chosen present have featured prominently, the card recreating one of my most popular Blips.

Locally sourced food featured throughout the day and he'd asked for a repeat of the cake I put together for his fourth birthday (extra pic) .... so that is what I did - with just a little artistic license.   Some games were played and Happy Birthday was sung.   A good day all round.

Only a very small bit of engineering (see the Back Blip from 18 years ago) helped this to be my 3000th entry on Blip.   I am very grateful for the many friends both those whom I have met here and those who drop in.   Your support and friendship has helped me keep going through some difficult times.   Thank you!

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