A Bit On The Side

Well as the title say's this is my "Bit On The Side" 2007 as my job took me to Glasgow then off to Newcastle and during my 3 hours there I am booked to route refresh the High Level Bridge diversion so if for any reason we cant access the station from the South we can go the High Level Bridge and enter from the North so this is what I need to have with me is my blue route refresh sheet that I fill in and get signed and stamped by a Northern supervisor at Newcastle and also I need to carry a cab pass that allows me up the front of a Northern train if the driver of that train is willing well with my charm and good looks who could resist haha so now you see another part of the job we do on a regular basis we occasionally cant travel with new drivers incase we cause a distraction which we understand in that case we just do it at the next covienant time so now you know what I know

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