The unforgiving minute...

By Melsimel


"My soul is full of longing, for the secret of the sea
and the heart of the great ocean, sends a thrilling pulse through me"

[Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]

How is it that you can want something so badly,
That you can feel an aching, insistent longing for something, that you can't even articulate?

That must be the definition of greed, right?

I have everything I could need, but still, there's something missing, and I can't even tell you what it is.

But - when I stand and listen to the waves crackle up the little pebbles on the beach, and then sigh away again with every pull of the tide, then I feel closer to, and further away from, whatever it is that i'm lacking.

Sorry, I'm speaking nonsense.
Feelings are getting the better of me this week.

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