Life In Wales

By KarenC

Birds on a Wire

Lockdown 2, Day 22

I met Kate this morning for a walk along the river to Cuckmere Haven and despite it being a very grey day, we spent a nice couple of hours catching up.  There's been another landslide very close to the coastguard cottages which is quite worrying and the area was cordoned off, not quite sure how they're going to fix that!

We saw little egrets and two great egrets, a heron, swans and a wren, and on our way back, I spotted these two little Stonechats sitting on the fence.  

After we went our separate ways I drove over to Shoreham to return some of my purchases to M&S, and then I went to Tesco and Pets at Home so all my errands are done.

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends!

In Covid news East Sussex has been moved up to Tier 2 along with most of the country, and this afternoon I phoned the holiday company in Wales that we've rented the house from for Christmas.  I wanted to see if they had any news about whether or not we'll actually be able to go, but unfortunately they don't.  They said that the Welsh government normally makes announcements on Fridays, so suggested I call back at the weekend or early next week.  Fingers crossed!

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