Mission accomplished

Done. My Concussion Clinic goal to drive to Lincoln, have a rest, and drive home again. I took a a big loop on the way there to get petrol and pass by my local asparagus grower. Yep, I get through asparagus.

The latter part of the drive to Lincoln was tough. In a restricted speed zone for road works I had an old guy in an SUV up my bum. His behaviour continued beyond the roadworks, past the university and through the township.

[Rant starting] What is it with people? If you don't like the speed limit that's your problem, not mine to solve. If you expect other people to drive with care and respect near your kids, grandkids, and family, do the same around others. If that's all too hard for you, get off the road and get some therapy. [Rant over].

Any hoo, I pulled over, had my rest and meditation, felt better, and smiled again. :-)

In another first I cleaned the kitchen and dining area surfaces and saved my lovely home help a job.

Today's gratitude: For patience and progress. I'm discovering that they go together.

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