Coffee shop, Kolonaki

Nice to grab a coffee from somewhere different. Kolonaki, lockdown walk done. After Zoom mobility and core session. A day of highs and lows and catch-ups.
An old friend messaged - do you remember Judy? You know it’s going to be bad news.. my youth group leader.. her car was hit by a falling tree branch.. I heard about that accident and immediately thought of my sister.. she drives that road all the time.. a good chat with Digitaldaze later that day. My ex messaged ‘I miss you’. He chose to leave and is now engaged.. intercultural dating.. another good friend N is not well and overworked, but it’s not her, I decided after talking to her, that I have a sense of unease about her health/life.. talked to G in Kw8.. visa dramas but smiling.. thank goodness for Netflix.

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