Blanket Of Fog

There was lots to see on a foggy walk this morning.

The main blip is a group of horse riders, we heard them before we saw them. The blanket looks like an Early's Of Witney one. I worked for Early's for about 6 months. Not the best 6 months of my career but we did get relocated down to the Cotswolds which was brilliant. One of the good memories I have of my time there was a huge textiles exhibition we attended, in Frankfurt I think. We were one of only two UK exhibitors and Princess Anne (aka the Queen's daughter I remember she was called over there) came onto our stand. We presented her with one of these blankets. I'm sure she found a use for it.

Quite a few dog walkers about (first extra - actually our next door neighbour with dogs Teddy and Bertie and another one we didn't know) and a (little?) egret by the lake (second extra, I can never get close enough, need to take my telephoto lens). Also a pair of swans which were again too far away.

Stupid mistake of the day - I got ready to receive our 9am Sainsbury's delivery, wondered where it was so checked my emails. I've somehow booked it for 9pm this evening. Grrr!

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