Day Today

By Feathers14

Grumpy Mule Makes Me Smile

"Another blip of a coffee cup?!?!" I hear you cry; just hear me out.

Today was a remarkably excellent day.

After this morning's lecture I ventured into the refurbished library cafe and 'ridiculously nice barrista man' was working his shift (he's famous, on campus). Shunning my usual poison - a black americano - I instead opted for a 'Winter Warmer' but couldn't decide between Gingerbread or Pumpkin. I opted for Gingerbread.

Well, 'ridiculously nice barrista man' must have overheard and instead prepared a Gingerbread Latte and a sample of the Pumpkin one, too, for me to try. Such a nice act of random kindness that brought a smile to my face... That never happens at Costa, just sayin'.

N.B. Buy a pumpkin latte, they taste incredible!

Anyways, I sat in the library cafe editing some pictures from Battle of The Bands that Axel and I shot last night, and reading more of the book that Eve got me.

It was pretty busy with no free tables, so two professors came and sat down at the table I was working at. We ended up having a chat about how Warwick has changed since they've been here, their research project (using super-cool physics to spot cancers much earlier) and the Ig Nobel prize where scientists win a Nobel prize for the most useless discovery. Previous winners include a guy who levitated a frog using magnets and someone who explained the maths behind how fast beer fizz dissipates. Important stuff.

They left and then Neil wandered through to get to the library stopping by for about half an hour. It was awesome to catch up - he's just received two offers for Spring Week internships at a couple of Investment Banks and is looking to turn those into summer internships.

Shortly after, Janey was walking past and she stopped to catch up, too. We're going climbing tomorrow...

A very social day, indeed.


The book has got a bit about composition and story telling, and I definitely could have composed this photography better: balancing the photo with the espresso cup further in the top right of the frame. I didn't want to place the espresso in the shadow of the large cup as that would have sent the wrong message. I mucked around with this composition too, but didn't like it as much. Oh well.

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