Mono Monday

Not my best Monday. Woke up at just gone 5am. OK in the Summer but not this time of year. And I could not get back to sleep. So  05.30 and I was out of bed having my first coffee of the day. Good bit was that I got out early for my 3 mile walk :-)

Went out after lunch to find a blip before rain arrived. Got back home with bags of time to edit and post, and there was a power cut. 1500 people affected :-(  It came back on at 3pm,  and I just managed to edit and save this image and off it went again. When came back on half hour later my internet connection just didn't want to connect. Unplugged the hub and switched back on again. So it finished up me crawling under the desk to unplug the lead and putting it back in again and here we are! 

Think it might be an early night tonight :-)

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