Junk Mail

This collection of glossy, colourful advertising/marketing papers arrived in our mailbox this morning.  I think there is eleven publications, a quick photo with the phone and into the bin they went. We just can’t be bothered with reading them.  7.30am blip on the bag.
My flaking internet continues, very bad this last week.....so this morning while I was feeling frustrated and angry I put pen to paper, well finger to the keyboard and typed a very straight to the point, pulling no punches email to our provider Spark. It’s not that we live in the wop wops * we are 2 km from a town of almost 30,000, and live on a busy road (not isolated).  Twelve hours have passed with no reply or phone call. 
* “definition of wop wops..... a NZ term - the unknown/outback/gravelled & metalled roads /bush - anywhere that's over an hour from civilisation, often shortened to simply wops. No idea where it came.”

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