One click at a time

By KeithKnight

February Daily Challenge - Family

Day 20 of KaliBug's February daily challenge - Feb. 20th: Picture of family or something symbolizing your family, and MissyMoo's February daily challenge (Where you stood: Go about your day and take a photo of where you stood. It could be on the train platform on the way to work, or amongst the laundry at home, or at the park, or at the movies... anywhere!).

I have (by modern Western standards) a larger than average family - 4 children. The oldest daughter (and her son) you have seen in here from time to time, the middle daughter lives in York so I see less of her, then there is the son and finally the youngest daughter.

The oldest daughter has just started to learn to drive, she is hoping to go to Uni later in the year and will be moving a little further away. Until now she has worked on the basis of not needing to drive as she could flutter her eyelashes at a boy and get a lift, not so easy when you then have to load a car seat and buggy in too!

My son wants to drive as part of making his way in this world, but in typical teenager style needed several applications of my size 12s to get him actually getting organised to get a license and lessons. This week he passed his test - first time and with only 4 minor faults, which is a very low score, so he has done well. He is now doing the PassPlus course to get some training in Dual Carriageways and Motorways. Hopefully that will get the cost of insurance down a bit as some insurers recognise that the extra training reduces the risk, currently to add a 20 year old new driver to my own insurance will add a mere £2,000 to my premium.

The youngest daughter is 17 this year, she has more get up and go and is likely to want to learn to drive as soon as she can.

So, I have been paying for 2 sets of driving lessons at the same time, with the prospect of a third set not too far off!

What does this have to do with where I stood?, well the L Plates and fridge magnet are on my fridge in front of where I stood in the kitchen while my dinner was in the microwave heating up. The fridge magnet? - it was a present from a "friend", though I'm sure the family would have got me it if they had seen it first.

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